
Saturday 21 May 2011


Did closing ystd and reached home almost at 1am. And today im on morning shift. Gotta get ready for work in half an hours' time. Yes im tired. Yes im sleepy. I've decided not to sleep 'cos i fear of waking up late. I truly know my dear self. When im too tired, its really hard for me to wake up. Even eight alarm clock of super duper irritating songs ringing every five minutes from 5am til 6plus wont be able to make me get out of bed. 

Im a good girl last night. teeheee!
Oh wells, im glad that i spent my "sleeping time" very wisely. For the past three hours, all i did was my homework and printing out cell biology notes. And now, im only left with maths for life sciences and scientific writing  e-learning. Shall do the remaining ones after work. 

Procrastinate now and you will suffer.
I shall not procrastinate my scientific writing assignments. Its due date is next two weeks. But i will try to get it done by this weekend. I wanna find time to study for my japanese exam. I only have less than two weeks to study all the words, vocab and sentence structure. Its difficult yknow. But no, i think i can do it.

Have a great weekend everyone! Hopefully i cant survive today without any sleep ystd. If not, ambulance, do come and fetch me immediately.

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